
Nicki Minaj Starts' Fridging "Craze on Twitter

At the age of planks taper and storage, Nicki Minaj inadvertently inspired a new trend called Twitter "fridging."

What, pray, do fridging involve? Well, fortunately, is not how far you can launch a cooling unit to the tune of "Super Bass. Fans are actually posting pictures of them in the refrigerator to mimic a shot of the rapper who was featured in Glamour magazine.

The image shows Minaj, uh, chillin 'in a refrigerator, giving the best it is this completely normal face. Meanwhile, shooting off a new meme that has the fans to post their own "cool" is a refrigerator. But according to the star of hip-hop, there is good and bad to do it.

"There is certainly a technique behind # fridging barbz. Look closer!" She tweeted Tuesday with his original photo magazine as inspiration.

Fridging is a spin-off of the trend that the boards still had stars like Katy Perry and Justin Bieber prone to laugh. This time, the popularity has attracted the likes of Snooki "The Jersey Shore star Heems racist Das and participate by posting their own ice peaks.

