The site was in crisis on Friday with a rumor that we've all heard for months - the iPad 3, when it comes, will be equipped with Apple's retina display.
Twice the resolution up to 2048 by 1536 of an iPad iPad 2 in 1024 and 768 for a glassy 326 dpi (dots or pixels per inch) for the density of the beloved iPhone screen 4 - it's the rumors and the last point out that what is happening oversees anonymous sources: The Wall Street Journal.
The magazine says the retina-screen 3-Pack iPad will be available early next year, while others said such a device could be launched next autumn or winter. However, there is nothing official yet - Apple does not comment on rumors. Cupertino technology giant has not said anything primary and the iPad iPad 2 has a huge sale.
But, perhaps with a swarm of more and more competitors tablet running different versions of Google's Android mobile OS (HP TouchPad rest in peace), IPAD 3 must be a thin, lighter , faster and with a better screen.
In that vein, here are five characteristics unsolicited, we want to watch the iPad next - or tablet for this question.
Thinner and lighter
This may seem obvious, but when the iPad 2 is a thin, Galaxy Tab 10.1 is more subtle and difficult Yup, even lighter. However, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 achieve this with the use of plastic back feels a lot flimsier than the hand-IPAD 2 aluminum frame. Apple has been using plastic and glass to create a thinner and lighter than the iPhone, and this may be an option for the iPad 3 Another idea for Apple could use something like tight rubber coated plastic feel of the Motorola Xoom .
Glare Protector
Among the biggest blows to the IPAD is that the glossy screen reflects light and not too fun to be removed and read by the pool or beach. (Yes, it's a good problem to have.) But it is a serious problem for Apple, which wants to become a major player in the electronic book market and compete with Amazon's Kindle, the leading e-book reader. The Kindle has a type of matte screen that transmits light rather than reflect - why not have a test IPAD anti-glare?
Since Apple offers with its MacBook Pro laptops, an anti-glare screen and a glossy screen to be offered so that consumers can choose what they want.
Haptic feedback
Apple seems to have been accidentally turning on the field of mobile gaming. And 'the iPhone and iPad have inspired the developers to make hundreds (or thousands) of games, reasonably priced low entry barriers. 2 iPad iPad offers impressive graphics performance and 3, which will certainly benefit from a faster processor, will see an impact here too. But if Apple wants to make gaming machine iPad, better yet, should provide the players roll the iPad, which vibrates and shakes in response to video games played on the screen the same way as any home game console, the controls do.
This is not impossible in any way. Many of the Android phones, and tablets are already haptic, or tactile feedback, keyboards and other functions. Of course, this would be a feature that could be turned off, or for those who do or do not want to use the Rumble.
Biometric security
The physical security of mobile devices is still very limited. Users are able to protect their phones and tablets with an unlock code of four digits, but many do not even bother to leave their androids iPads and vulnerable if left in a cafe or a taxi. Why not add another layer of security - such as iris scan? Group Companies such as Holes are iris identification systems that the points of analysis in 2048 the most colorful layer of the eye - the software can even detect "tired" and yes, you know, not one eye can be used to enter dead guy an IPAD.
Wireless Charging
Apple iOS 5 IPAD and allow iPhone owners to "cut the cord" and wireless synchronization of your songs, contacts, programs and lots of content, when Apple's mobile devices are close to their counterparts Mac. And iOS 5, users can also download the updated operating system "over the air" without having to put in their camera to a computer to the latest version of the software. It may take a little more away with wireless charger.
The technology is already proven. Many third-party accessory makers offer wireless products for mobile charging, shelves and even TV remote controls. Hewlett-Packard had built into its recharge wireless touchpad and HP. All users TouchPad had to do was to put their pills in a docking station and it would be liable up, no need to put all the cables in the device itself. Post-PC cables and should display.
What do you think?
These are our ideas, but what do you think? What would you like to see, Galaxy Tab iPad or Xoom? Leave a comment and let us know.