
Rick Perry, Has Its Own "Obama Girl"

Remember to "crush on Obama" Girl? Governor of Texas could be the "Sweet Perry," a fan.

Governor Rick Perry presidential campaign is accumulating fans and now includes Stefanie Heming.

The name ring a bell? Californian, who recently moved to Austin in Los Angeles, said he previously worked for Playboy TV, Playboy XM Radio, MTV and Telemundo. He also hosts a range of web, where he was interviewed by rock artists, and adult film star Ron Jeremy. So, yes, Stefanie Heminger.

Heminger told NBC 5 was a registered Republican since his 18th birthday, and even helped the campaign of Bush and McCain. She said she looked up Rick Perry videos on YouTube, but decided that "most of the videos were boring and anti so I decided I needed a female voice their opinion."

Now she takes YouTube to campaign for Rick Perry for President.

In the video, found here, calling on President Barack Obama as inexperienced and said Perry "improve our quality of life in general."

Do not ruin, but also excerpts from the book of Perry, "fed up", a change of costume, and the Top 10 of why people should vote for the governor.

Although Heminger right to help from behind a computer right now, has given money to the campaign and even signed to help manage Perry.

And if you wonder Heming said she wanted to say that the video looks "sexy".

